Dowsing & Beyond
Virtual Conference
The Canadian Society of Dowsers Proudly brings together a Professional Group of Canadian Speakers & Workshop Facilitators to share their dowsing knowledge with you!
10:00am – 10:15am | Shannon O’Callaghan – Dowsing & Beyond Introduction |
10:15am – 11:15am | Workshop Cindy Mayne – Dowsing Basics Session |
11:15am – 11:30am | Break |
11:30am – 12:00pm | Speaker Neil Anderson – Freedom of Frequencies from the Physical Form |
12:00pm – 12:15pm | Break |
12:15pm – 1:15pm | Workshop Dawn Kirkham – Remote Dowsing Masterclass |
1:15pm – 1:30pm | Break |
1:30pm – 2:00pm | Speaker Lori Prophet – Water Dowsing – The Importance of Clean Drinking Water |
2:00pm – 2:15pm | Break |
2:15pm – 3:15pm | Workshop Susan Collins – Dowsing for Feng Shui and Space Clearing |
3:15pm – 3:30pm | Break |
3:30pm – 4:00pm | Speaker Tommie Mercer – The Nexus Concept of Prana |
4:05pm | Closing |
PAYMENTS can be made through PayPal or Cheque
Cheques Payable to: Canadian Society of Dowsers
Mail to: 4-25 Ivy Bridge Drive, Stoney Creek, ON L8E 0A5
Detailed Virtual Schedule below with Speakers, Workshop Facilitators and Bios
10am-10:15am Shannon O’Callaghan – Dowsing & Beyond in 2024 Introduction
Shannon is the current President of the Canadian Society of Dowsers and works diligently to increase growth in membership and member benefits. Shannon will kickstart the conference with an overview of Dowsing & Beyond and talk about the never-ending learning journey dowsing takes us all on.
Shannon first used dowsing to measure energy fields before and after the use of energy tools, to measure their effectiveness – with people and products. After several years of honing her dowsing skills, Shannon cannot imagine life without dowsing energies.
Shannon operates “A Clear Sphere”, an online energy tool shop which also operates physically in Stoney Creek, Ontario offering Aura Analysis and Black Fire Spa Integrator Sessions (created by Tommie Mercer).
Recently certified in House Healing at the International College of Energy Healing, Shannon now offers Remote & in-person House Dowsing Harmonization/Clearing services.
For more information about energy tools, dowsing tools, aura analysis, Black Fire Spa sessions & House Healing, please visit or email: [email protected].
10:15am-11:15am Workshop Cindy Mayne – Dowsing Basics Session
To provide an outline on the basics of Dowsing. To provide information on the importance of dowsing protocols, protection, and setting your intention. To give attendees the opportunity to have hands-on practice. For attendees to learn something new about dowsing; enhance their existing skills; and share their knowledge in this area with others. To network with others who want to share and learn together for the highest best good.
An interest in Dowsing
Read through the pre-read information provided by Cindy
About Cindy:
Dowsing & Reiki Practitioner since 2000
Canadian Society of Dowsers (CSD) member since 2000
CSD Board Member for 2011 and 2012
Awarded CSD Dowser of the Year Award in 2015
Usui Reiki Master/Teacher 2015
Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki Master/Teacher 2018
Cindy uses dowsing techniques to remove pain; clear homes of negative entities and noxious veins of water; clear people/animals of negative attachments; protect areas of properties from intrusive insects or animals; finding lost articles; removing sulfur from a water well; and raising the life force energy level of plants/trees/people.
Cindy uses Reiki to help keep herself in harmony and balance, and to help others both in person and remotely. Cindy also uses Reiki on the plants in her home and gardens. Cindy finds that Dowsing and Reiki compliment each other and she uses them both in helping herself and others.
Cindy is passionate about helping Mother Earth and all living things. She hopes that soon children will grow up with L-rods and pendulums in their hands. Cindy retired five years ago from her 42-year professional career where she worked in the Information Technology field. She is also certified and worked as a Project Manager and Business Analyst.
EMAIL – [email protected]
11:15am – 11:30am Break
11:30am – 12:00pm Speaker Neil Anderson – Freedom of Frequencies from the Physical Form
Neil has been dowsing for over twenty years and works with clearing Business Properties, Homes & People. He developed Love of Miracles Triangle which has 18 cards and by viewing each card, they release frequencies from the brains of our body. Neil has learned how to release autoimmune disorders. PLUS release when one does not Love themself. Plus release frequencies from organs. Frequencies in organs or different locations of one body created by the brain doesn’t allow proper function in my opinion, so releasing frequencies gives you freedom.
Email [email protected]
12:00pm – 12:15pm Break
12:15pm – 1:15pm Workshop Dawn Kirkham – Remote Dowsing Masterclass
Remote Dowsing is an essential skill for any serious dowser as it opens so many possibilities for your dowsing. From earth energy dowsing to simply finding your lost spectacles in your home, there are endless applications to remote dowsing.
In this masterclass you will learn how to locate an object on a map using two different techniques and how to locate an earth energy line or underground water stream running through a location.
If you want to participate and have a go yourself – you will need to have a pendulum, paper and pencil, ruler.
About Dawn:
Dawn has been dowsing for over 25 years and works professionally as a house healer. As a subtle energy alchemist, she works with the energy of land, home, and person.
Dawn is a director at large with the Canadian Society of Dowsers and Trustee of the British Society of Dowsers, as well as a registered tutor with the BSD. She teaches in person and online programs from the basics of dowsing to advanced practices like house healing, sound healing, crystal therapy and more.
Check her out on You Tube
1:15pm – 1:30pm Break
1:30pm – 2:00pm Speaker Lori Prophet – Water Dowsing – The Importance of Clean Drinking Water
Water Dowsing; the importance of clean drinking water
Lori will talk about the importance of groundwater and how it gets to our taps. She will discuss her process of dowsing water wells in the nearby rural areas. From beginning with map dowsing and then on site survey to pinpoint the best location to drill or dig for a new well.
About Lori:
Lori Prophet is a Master Dowser Practitioner trained by 2nd generation Master Dowser, Maria Wheatley. Lori is the only Canadian Tutor for Maria’s Esoteric College teaching all aspects of dowsing to professional level. The course covers water, energy lines, global grids, geopathic stress, map dowsing, high frequency colour and health dowsing with both pendulum and L-rods.
She is occasionally called upon to dowse for water wells in the nearby rural areas, but her passion is getting out in the landscape dowsing Earth energies and interacting with them.
Lori loves to express her creative talent by making one of a kind pendulums and also dowsing L-rods. You can find her at local metaphysical fairs selling her wares and talking about all things dowsing.
2:00pm – 2:15pm Break
2:15pm – 3:15pm Workshop Susan Collins – Dowsing for Feng Shui and Space Clearing
Dowsing for Feng Shui and Space Clearing
Dowsing for Feng Shui and Space Clearing can help you create health and prosperity by aligning space usage with dynamically applied Feng Shui principles. The basis of the work is the Dowsing Protocol, a method of opening a conversation with the energies of place in order to provide a healthy working environment. We will examine both the physical and psychic aspects of floorplans in conjunction with traditional Bagua layouts. Time permitting, we will dowse the I Ching to identify and resolve issues to achieve goals.
About Susan:
Rev Susan is an internationally acclaimed, author, consultant and workshop leader with a dynamic, professional practice. She uses traditional dowsing tools as well as the power of heart and thought to detect and transform nonbeneficial Earth, Environmental, Psychic and Other energy patterns. She has led workshops and presented at conferences across North America, the UK, in Italy, Japan and in the Middle East and was featured in “The Resonance” documentary. Susan is a Past President and Dowser of the Year of the Canadian Society of Dowsers and is an ordained Metaphysical Minister.
Susan’s catalogue of books is available through her website
and on Amazon with free Prime delivery in many countries. (Search for “Complete Guide to Dowsing” on Amazon.)
Her books include: Get Healthy with Dowsing; Dowsing for Feng Shui and Space Clearing; Meet Alien Energy with Dowsing; Bridge Matter and Spirit with Dowsing; Use a Protocol to Get Results (Classic, Bible and Muslim editions); Dowsing Triage – Finding and Fixing Energy Problems; Water Wells – What a Dowser Needs to Know; Meet Orbs with Dowsing and Get Happy with Dowsing. Susan has also developed the Life Cards, an oracle system that helps guide your path. She also sells unique bobbers, pendulums and L-Rods and does personal readings.
Rent Susan’s full range of dowsing workshops at
Contact Info:
Email: [email protected]
3:15pm – 3:30pm Break
3:30pm – 4:00pm Speaker Tommie Mercer, Alchemist, Geomancer – The Nexus Concept of Prana
Tommie will share the “The Nexus Concept of Prana”. Tommie will dive into deep space astrophysics research about the existence of monumental clouds of highly charged hydrogen molecules which disperse their energies toward our planet at high velocity near the speed of light. These charged molecules enter our atmosphere and strike the Earth’s surface and are also absorbed into water and rain water as they enter our gravitational field.
Tommie will go deeper to discuss what the ancients referred to as the force of the ether….they designed and built various designs and buildings along with amulets specifically made to enhance these forces….Giza amplified living energy. The research at Starchamber was based on the idea of free mass flow of neutrino vortices to be captured and massed in distilled water – same as the ancient Egyptians pouring water into the box in the great pyramid on the gold plate and drinking the essence of living light.
About Tommie:
Tommie’s lifetime skills include the ability to scan your personal Akashic records with a specially designed dowser(pendulum) to illustrate your personal life path and outline all body and colour energy centers, connections called Chakras which are the Universal forces guiding your time here in the third dimension. Your complete personal life path is seen in the scan and the reading illustrates your karmic challenges and how to overcome them.
All life experiences you have finished and are in process with will be illustrated in the colour scans and detailed for your growth.
Tommie has been doing these scans for over 40 years with thousands of clients, as well as teaching his techniques at dozens of expos and seminars across the US along with over 30 national radio shows, lecturing with Dr. Masaru Emoto and speaking at the International Forum on New Sciences sponsored by Colorado State University – teaching and sharing these unique skills. Tommie studied human nature with the Northern Cheyenne spiritual leader Bill Tallbull in Wyoming and Montana for almost 20 years in sweats and was shown the true nature of how the human souls journey from ancient teachings.
Email: [email protected]
4:00pm – Closing