Founded in 1988, The Canadian Society of Dowsers is a national voluntary not-for-profit association with an open membership whose purposes are to:
- Facilitate networking amongst dowsers & organizational affiliates
- Provide basic & continuing educational opportunities for members
- Encourage the highest ethical standards & responsible practices
- Promote public awareness of and appreciation for the art of dowsing
If you would like to help support CSD in meeting these goals, please contact us to offer your time or talents, or make a gift to CSD.
Develop Your Intuition
Dowsing is an intuitive method of obtaining information and guidance. Dowsing answers are received as distinctive, though often faint, body responses. Some dowsers can sense “yes” or “no” answers directly in their body.
Some dowsers find it helpful to use a variety of tools to amplify their body’s response so it can be more easily observed. Muscle testing by chiropractors and nutritionists is a type of dowsing response known as applied kinesiology.
CSD’s Professional Members
Some of our professional members offer the following types of services using a form of dowsing:
- Space-clearing by detecting energies
- Locating new well sites / underground water
- Animal communication / dog & horse whispering
- Assess soil deficiencies
- Checking nutrition & wellness information
Dowsers come from every walk of life, cultural background, age group, education level, and a variety of spiritual beliefs. Dowsers look for answers that serve the highest good for all involved.
Membership & Knowledge Sharing
Dowsers have been meeting online at our monthly zoom presentations & interacting with other dowsers; beginners to advanced. The members share information, promote dowsing, enjoy speakers of varied topics, and learn more skills while having fun.
Annual Convention
The Canadian Society of Dowers is pleased to present an Annual Convention every spring! Details are posted on our website. Each year has a fresh new theme and presenters.