For much of four decades, Harold McCoy walked the hills and valleys of Northwest Arkansas with a forked stick in his hand. Like generations before him, McCoy walked with a specific goal in mind — to find water, enough to meet the needs of a family.
...Estherville Cemetery mystery continues Bayham is turning to noted grave dowser Mae Leonard for direction in finding gravesites outside the current boundaries of Estherville Cemetery.
On the side of Overlook Mountain is an 80-foot-long serpentine stone wall that ends at a boulder with a triangular shape that Woodstocker Glenn Kreisberg finds suggestive of a snake’s head. A few hundred feet away, an almost identical — but crumbling — stone wall ends at a similar boulder, forming a mirror image, the two “snakes” arranged tail to tail.
The purpose of this test is to determine the way in which a person handles energy. While one hand is resting on a source of voltage such as an ungrounded switch, toaster, lamp or other device - a probe is held at the TMJ point on the head for the first reading. This is the voltage going into the body.
Years ago a dowsing friend presented me with a wonderful project to help birth a new vision for humanity through focused intent and the Power of Positive Heart/Mind Techniques.
I woke up in the middle of the night the other night with an idea stirring in my head, and I'd like to run it past you as a possibility for us all to consider, especially as so many of us have conventions or congresses coming up within the next few weeks or months.
I know of only one other novel which sets dowsing into a pivotal position in the story line, The Centurion by the late Jan de Hartog In Aurora David Hardy writes an apparently straight science fiction novel "in the grand tradition of Arthur C. Clarke" which harbours dowsing as a ticking bomb due to explode about halfway through
This is a series of letters on how to clear electromagnetic pollution from roadsides and water, working with the divine creative intelligence, and working with the life force that supervises the specifics of that field.
I recently took a crash course in electrical pollution. I crashed, so of course I had to find out why in order to remedy the situation! What I have learned and experienced have convinced me that electrical pollution is a major cause of our health problems.
If you have ever heard of EMFs, the electromagnetic fields that radiate from devices such as cell phones, televisions, and digital clocks, you've probably heard that they're harmful and can even cause cancer.
We have all the water there is, all there has ever been, and all there will ever be. No one is making any more of it.
When registered psychologist Dr. Barbara Mallory was introduced as our keynote speaker at the June 2003 CSD Annual Meeting, Quester editor Ian Doig mentioned that she was an ordained minister.