Hosted by Neil Anderson and Jody Maas
August 19, 2017 from 9am to 5pm
LOCATION: Oakland Community Center 3 King Street North at Oakland Rd, Oakland, ON MAP IT
COST: $20 at the door
Other information: Please bring a lunch. There is a Pizza Pizza, a Subway and a Variety store next door.
Learn from Neil Anderson, President of the Canadian Society of Dowsers, about Spiritual healing, Broken heart self love, Stray voltage, Electromagnetic fields.
Jody Maas, Vice President of the Canadian Society of Dowsers, Earth’s energies, Site clearing-residential and commercial, Workshops, Standing Stones.
*Crystal Squared will have gemstones, crystals, dowsing rods, pendulums and more available for purchase. The Arcturian Pyramid will also be available*
RSVP to [email protected]