Pendulum Pointers for Beginners

by American Society of Dowsers

  1. Make your own simple pendulums. Well-Balanced, wooden, glass, plastic or metal beads are fine, as it is a hexagonal nut (nut and bolt nut) or any ball, cylinder or top-shaped object.  Tie, or attach a ten-inch thread or string to it.
  2. To hold your pendulum properly, arch wrist so that the string, clasped between the forefinger and thumb (usually with the right hand) can have a direct drop.
  3. To adjust to the substance being tested, start with a short string, and let it slip gradually through the fingers until the pendulum begins to gyrate.
  4. You can start a slight oscillation if you want, as a beginner, to overcome inertia, then let the natural force take over the pendulum motion.
  5. Try for short periods at a time only.  If you do not feel easy about it, wait until later.
  6. You may support your elbow on a table, if you wish
  7. The body works as a magnet, it has a positive and a negative side.  Avoid neutralization; do not cross hands, or feet from one side to another.
  8. Test for your own personal positive swing. The right knee is always positive and the left knee negative. Separate them about eight inches and suspend the pendulum over them. Usually the gyrations will be clockwise for the right or positive knee, and counter-clockwise for the left or negative knee, but not always.  The pendulum will oscillate over the neutral zone between them.
  9. Use the forefinger of the other hand, usually the left, as a pointer and antennae. Point at the subject of the experiment (without crossing over the natural medial of the body).
  10. Find a neutral place to operate a place where the pendulum will only oscillate.
  11. There is an envelope or force field which surrounds the body.  This “aura” is from 1/2 to several inches thick, and has inverse polarity to that of the body proper.  Drop your pendulum down close to the body and watch the gyrations reverse.
  12. When testing the body, keep the pendulum several inches above the surface of the body to avoid the layer of Electro-magnetic force that surrounds it.
  13. Let the pendulum oscillate over a neutral spot on your right. Then touch the positive end of a magnet with the neutral middle finger of your left hand.  Watch the oscillations change to positive gyrations. Notice the slight time lag prior to the results.
  14. Touch the positive end of a dry cell electric battery and observe the positive gyrations.  Watch the change to negative as you touch the negative end of the batter with your neutral middle finger.
  15. Expose slightly the ends of a piece of insulated electric wire. Test for polarity, negative and neutral
  16. To avoid the possibility of auto suggestion, close your eyes when starting an experiment
  17. To determine sex, hand the pendulum over the head of the person being tested.  Try it over an intimate possession, over handwriting. Do this and other experiments in small groups only.  Everybody emits, radiations too many present, or too much handling of the object, may make for interference.
  18. Try testing foods. The pendulum should gyrate positively over “good-for-you” foods, negatively for the opposite, and oscillate for foods that do not matter.  For a more personal test, insert your left (negative hand between the food and the pendulum (or place the substance upon the palm of the left hand). Be careful to put clean foods in a clean, neutral place.  Test some sprayed celery as is, after peeling off the coarse outer threads;  and then test the peelings.
  19. Remember that there is a possibility of individual variations.  Not everyone’s ‘code’ is the same. Ascertain yours, then stick to it.


American Society of Dowsers (802) 684-3417 | 184 Brainerd St. PO Box 24, Danville, VT 05828  | [email protected] |

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