- A.R.I.S. – Associazione Radioestesisti Italiani e sourciers
- Associazione Italiana Radiestesisti
- Associaçao Cultural Radiestesia Lusitaniae
- Association Argentina de Radiestesia
- Australian Dowsers Society Inc
- Baltic Dowsers Association
- Belgian-Dutch LA Dowsers Association
- Central Ustugowo Wytworcza ‘Rodzkarz’
- Centre of Eniology
- Centro Latino Americano de Parapsicologia
- Dowsers Society of New South Wales Inc
- Dowsers’ Club of S Australia Inc
- Dowsing Society of Chile
- Dowsing Society of Victoria Inc
- Finnish Society of Dowsers
- Herold-Verlag Dr Wetzel
- Indian Society of Dowsers
- Instituto de Filosofia y Parapsicologia Jofralena
- Irish Society of Diviners
- Jakarta Society of Dowsers
- Japanese Society Of Dowsers
- Jordstralningscentrum
- Les Amis de la Radiesthésie
- Letter to Robin
- Miljf- & Jordstraleforeningen Danmark
- Nederlands Genootschap voor Radiësthésue en Radionica
- The New Zealand Society of Dowsing & Radionics
- North Tasmania Dowsing Association
- Norwegian Society of Dowsers
- Osterreichischer Verband für Radiasthesie und Geobiologie
- Ozark Research Institute
- Raymon Grace
- The Radionic Association
- Russian Association of Dowsers
- Seri-World Wide
- Scientific International Union of Dowsing
- Sociedad Espanola de Parapsicologia
- South Tasmania Dowsing Association
- Stowarzyszenie Radiestetow w Warszawie
- Svenska Slagruteforbundet
- Swiss Association of Radiästhesie
- Syndicat National des Radiesthésistes
- The American Society of Dowsers
- The British Society of Dowsers
- The Korean Society of Dowsers
- The Raymon Grace Foundation
Email addresses can be found for some of these organizations at The British Society of Dowsers.